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History - Victorian Times Resources

Free Victorian Times Printable Banner

The Victorians Banner

Free printable Oes Fictoria, The Victorians in Welsh banner for classroom display

Free Printable Victorian Crime and Punishment Posters

Crime and Punishment in Victorian Times.  History Teaching Resource - Poster Set.

Free Printable Queen Victoria Biography Display Posters

Printable History Teaching Resource - A Biography of Queen Victoria.
Young Queen Victoria background classroom display lettering sets. Young Queen Victoria background classroom display lettering sets. Young Queen Victoria background classroom display lettering sets. Young Queen Victoria background classroom display lettering sets.  Young Queen Victoria background classroom display lettering sets.
Free printable instant display digital lettering sets with a Florence Nightingale background image.  Free printable instant display digital lettering sets with a Florence Nightingale background image.  Free printable instant display digital lettering sets with a Florence Nightingale background image.  Free printable instant display digital lettering sets with a Florence Nightingale background image.  Florence Nightingale lettering sets
Free printable William Morris Victorian background instant display lettering sets for classroom bulletin board display. Free printable William Morris Victorian background instant display lettering sets for classroom bulletin board display. Free printable William Morris Victorian background instant display lettering sets for classroom bulletin board display. Free printable William Morris Victorian background instant display lettering sets for classroom bulletin board display. William Morris Victorian background instant display lettering sets for classroom bulletin board display.  

Free Printable Victorian Alphabet on Slates Lettering Posters

Printable Victorian Cursive Letters on Slates Display Set

Victorian Inventions Timeline

Victorian Inventions Timeline Posters
Free printable Working Children in Victorian Times

History Resource looking at Victorian Children at Work.  Includes descriptions of different jobs children worked during the Victorian Era.
Free History Teaching Resources Famous Victorians

Printable Famous Victorians Information Posters
Free Printable Florence Nightingale Printable Posters

Florence Nightingale biography poster set.
Free printable Mary Seacole Biography Display Posters

Mary Seacole biography poster set.
Charles Darwin Biography Posters

Printable Charles Darwin Biography Poster Set
Free Printable Charles Dickens Biography English Display

Charles Darwin Biography for Children
Victorian Schools PowerPoint Presentation

Victorian Schools PowerPoint Presentation
Victorian Rich Families PowerPoint

Rich Families in Victorian Times PowerPoint 
Free printable Victorian Poor Families 

Poor Families in Victorian Times PowerPoint 
Free PowerPoint Presentation of Victorian Christmas Traditions

Christmas Traditions PowerPoint Presentation.  Shows many of the traditions that were introduced during the Victorian Period.
Free Printable Story of Grace Darling

Biography of Grace Darling Poster Set


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